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Archive for September, 2013

Tribute to Yao on his 33rd birthday: Top 10 NBA Moments

Sunday, September 15th, 2013
by John

On Yao’s 33rd birthday three days ago (September 12th), Dime Magazine took us back to the good ol’ days by recapping Yao’s Top 10 NBA Moments.

Although I would have a couple of other games in there, they do a great job describing many of them, as well as including video clips from some of his best games. Watching these videos really helps you remember how dominant Yao was. Enjoy!

On birthday, Yao films PSA with Prince William and David Beckham

Saturday, September 14th, 2013
by John

Thursday was Yao’s 33rd birthday, and he spent his day filming part of a public service announcement (PSA) in London with Prince William and David Beckham to campaign against illegal wildlife products.

September 12th, 2013 - Yao Ming with Prince William filming a PSA in London for WildAid

September 12th, 2013 - Prince William and David Beckham film a PSA in London for WildAid

September 12th, 2013 - Yao Ming, Prince William, and David Beckham film a PSA in London for WildAid

The messages will be broadcast globally in November but their target audiences are in China and Vietnam, countries which have large markets for products like rhino horn and ivory.

David Beckham told reporters:

“When I learned of the current poaching levels in Africa, I immediately agreed to help get this message out.

“It is shocking to think that we could lose these animals from the wild in our lifetimes.”

Yao said:

“We must reduce demand if we are going to save these animals.

“We made tremendous progress reducing demand for shark fin soup through a similar campaign and a government ban at banquets is also helping.

“Traders say shark fin demand has been cut by 50% or more. I hope we can do the same for ivory and rhino horn.”

Prince William later said at a conservation awards dinner:

“It is unfathomable to imagine a world in which children who have been born in the past couple of months may grow up in a world in which rhinoceros have ceased to live in the wild.

“The possibility of extinction is bad enough for one of our children growing up here in the West, who will never experience the magic of seeing a rhino; or even for my own little George, who Catherine and I very much hope to introduce to east Africa – a place we know and love – in the fullness of time.

“But for a child growing up in Africa and whose birth-right and economic inheritance these creatures are, it is nothing more than immoral that he or she may never experience what his parents and grandparents knew and treasured.””

A WildAid spokesman cited some alarming statistics:

“The ivory trade claims the lives of an estimated 25,000 elephants annually and according to South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs, as of September 5 at least 618 rhinos were killed for their horns in 2013, which may break last year’s record of 668 poached rhinos later this month.”

After the filming in London, Yao flew to Kenya to continue filming PSAs for WildAid.

A couple of weeks prior, Yao and his wife Ye Li participated in another public service event when he attended the premiere of a short film that they appeared in to warn the public against driving under the influence of alcohol. Click here for photos from the event.

August 25th, 2013 - Yao Ming attends a short film premiere that stars him and his wife Ye Li

The film was produced by the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Corps, Chinese Wine Association and Anheuser-Busch InBev together.

AB InBev in a statement describes the film as, “Riding a light, humorous tone, the film tells how Yao, who plays the role of a designated driver, has to deal with a series of bad consequences from outsourcing his job on his wedding anniversary.”

What impressed Yao about his wife Ye Li in the film was not her acting ability, but the fact that she looks so great wearing makeup in the film, which she rarely has to do in her everyday life.

Yao said, “She looks gorgeous.”

Click here to see the short film.

Yao’s winery announces new affordable wine

Sunday, September 8th, 2013
by John

This week Yao’s wine business announced a new wine called “Napa Crest” that will be cheaper than his first wine (that sold out). The wine launched this week in China, and will be available in the U.S. in January.

August 2013, 2013 - Yao Ming stands in front of wine barrels at his winery

September 5th, 2013 - Yao's new affordable wine that was announced

The Wall Street Journal wrote a very informational article about the new wine and Yao’s wine business, as well as the state of wine sales and consumption in China.

More details about Yao’s new wine can be found at the Yao Family Wines web site here.